Wednesday 22 February 2017

How to transform yourself from a Leader to exceptional leader

The few characteristics mentioned in my last post are further explained below:

1 ) Approach: Exceptional leaders have a very authentic and different approach to a bad situation. Exceptional leaders build trust within the team to that extent where bad situation never occurs. Preventive actions always have an upper hand on corrective actions. 

2 ) Team First: When a leader starts putting team members ahead and have a mindset of bringing members on the front, respecting and caring for them the entire environment changes. This will bring amazing results and a motivated team.

3 ) Bigger Visualization: An exceptional leader will always prioritize his vision and will focus on the big picture. The Leader will not get distracted by short and daily challenges in operations. Leaders are active listeners and doesn't have all the answers all the time. 

4 ) Continual Development: How will an exceptional leader will ensure effective output? Improvement comes with bettering the performance. Continual improvement comes with sustaining the results and then targeting next ladder. 

 5 ) Leaders Mind-set: Attitude is the major contributor in developing an individual as leader. You can judge a person by the way he accepts or reacts on a feedback on mistakes or delays.

  6 ) Perfectionism in  Leadership:  If you are too much into perfectionism and want to show how perfect you are, it will display your insecurity complex. Failing down never will not make you an exceptional Leader 

One can add much more to this inventory listing of converting leaders to exceptional leaders, but these are the common distinctive factors from my previous experiences of people.

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